दामोदर घाटी निगम Damodar Valley Corporation



Charged with the responsibilities of providing electricity, the vital input for industrial growth in the resource-rich Damodar Valley region, DVC over the last 66 years has developed a big and robust transmission grid network and expanded its grid from 132KV to 220KV & 400KV to serve its consumers across the valley area and to export power to other power deficit regions. DVC grids operates in unison with the eastern regional grid through 132 KV, 220KV and 400KV Tie lines. All the Power stations and Sub stations of DVC are connected through DVC grids. DVC power consumers are provided supply at 25KV, 33KV, 132KV and 220KV voltage level. Considering 12th plan projected load & evacuation of generation corresponding to 2016-17 Power scenarios, DVC has taken transmission system augmentation work under 12th Master plan.